
Yugo Yoga : the Long March will feature on Saturday 13th October at Castlefield Gallery, Manchester as a part of Emergency 2012. 

Lara will perform a durational performance, lasting about 4 hours and featuring some 60 yugo yoga postures. More info about the venue, the festival and my work below:

Word of Warning presents Emergency
A day-long free marathon of the bold, the bizarre and the beautiful.
Saturday 13 October 2012, Manchester

Word of Warning’s second performance collection launches with a manic weekend of all things live on Friday 12 and Saturday 13 October 2012.  Presented as part of the Manchester Weekender, the city explodes in a wave of all things cultural.

The 13th Emergency is the biggest yet: 40 live works in a daytime of installations and interactions at BLANKSPACE and Castlefield Gallery, followed by an evening programme of sit-down performance at Z-arts – and as ever, all free:

A man rolling a giant ball of rubber bands around the city; a woman emerging from a bed of earth; iconic communist iconography through the medium of yoga; and a bear having a shave… canapé-wielding mirror-twins; a Sex and the City homage and a rock-ukulele-pop concert.  1 day, 3 venues, 40 live works.

Emergency takes place on Sat 13 Oct at BLANKSPACE + Castlefield Gallery (12-5pm) and at Z-arts (6-10pm) FREE.  Participating artists include:
70/30 Split  |  Angel Club (north)  |  aswespeakproject  |  Diego Bowie  |  Burrow + Lee  |  Clare Charnley  |  Josh Coates |  Stephanie Douet  |  Evans + Gaskell  | Chris Fitzsimmons  |  Georgie Grace  |  Kitty Graham  |  anton hecht  | Larkin’ About | Liam Herne  |  Yoko Ishiguro  |  Wayne Steven Jackson  |  Miyuki Kasahara  |  Alexandra Kraszkó   |  Alice Malseed  |  Massive Owl + Jenny Duffy  |  Leo Olamerino  |  Julieann O’Malley  |   PK Fiskulturnik  | Platt, Birchall + Hussain  |  Kris Rowland  |  Clarissa Sacchelli  |  Sedated By A Brick  |  Qasim Riza Shaheen  |  Sh!t Theatre  |  Robin Sidwell  |  Lena Simic  |  Nicola Smith  |  Moreno Solinas  |  Streethead  |  Sturgeon’s Law  |  Allan Taylor  |  Katie Taylor  |  Jojo Townsend  |  Sam Treadaway



The week after, on Wednesday 16th & Thursday 17th  October, Lara will showcase a version of the same performance in London at Testbed 1 Gallery as a part of Acts of…



On Friday 5th October, Lara took  part in Fiona Templeton’s ‘ Bodies of memory’ performance at the Tate Britain.  



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